Category: Parenting Tips

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Forced Apologies: Does forcing your kid to apologize work well in the long run?

Holidays are a great time for families and extended families to get together and strengthen their relationships with each other.  During the festivities parents may talk and laugh together while kids play and run around like chickens with their heads cut off. Occasionally, in the midst of a conversation, a parent or two will hear screaming accompanied by one or more children crying.  As loving parents often do, a parent may rush into the scene to find out what happened

great parents say I'm sorry

Great Parents Say I’m Sorry

Do you ever feel like you mess up as a parent? I know I do. Even though I have read plenty of parenting books and, in fact, teach parenting classes, sometimes I still mess up as a parent. Even so, is it nice to know that I don’t have to be a perfect parent to raise great kids; I just need to keep a couple of things in mind: 1. It is better to use parenting techniques poorly and show

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Can consistency in parenting be bad?

I once worked with a mother and her three-year-old son (who was more like the size of a six-year-old).  She told me that she was trying really hard to be consistent with the way she disciplined him but the consistancy wasn’t having a positive effect on her child’s behavior.  I asked her to share with me the disciplining techniques that she was using.   She responded that she consistently put him in the corner when he would misbehave and she consistently

Winning the Toothbrush Battle

Have you ever had to hold down your child, pry open his mouth, and insert a tooth brush just to make sure your child’s teeth get clean?  I have.  And I have also seen how ineffective it is, especially when the child just bits down on the brush and stops any cleaning action. Would you like a few ideas that may ease the battle over teeth brushing?  Here are three Love and Logic ideas worth giving a try. 1 –