Category: Parenting Tips

Mom being treated like a servant

The Title “Mother” is not Followed by the Subtitle “Servant”

Mothers, do you sometimes feel like you have the Burger King logo around your neck because your kids expect you to make it their way; right away?  Do you ever feel more like a cab driver and a short order cook then the queen of the castle?  Is that the way it should be? So many kids nowadays grow up with the idea that they deserve the best their parents can afford (or not afford). This entitled attitude ends up

Father and Son Dancing Together

Overcoming Entitlement in Children

Picture your precious child in your arms for the first time.  So sweet… So little… So innocent.  “This child,” you think, “was meant to bring happiness into my life.” Now fast forward ten years.  You have just spent an hour in the kitchen on a new recipe trying to include more nutritious foods into your family’s diet when the same child you gave birth to sits down at the dinner table, looks at the new food and says, “Gross, what

Haunted House

Using Scare Tactics to Discipline Kids: a lesson learned from the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland

As a six year old boy, I remember being so scared of the haunted mansion at Disneyland.  The ride began as a group of people walked into a large room and listened to a narrator tell us what we were in for.  As I remember, the narrator had a deep, spooky voice and he stated we were welcome to come in, but we would never get out.  Then suddenly the lights would go out.  Everyone would hear a scream and

Girl in a messy room

Using the Technique “As Soon As…” to Set Limits with Kids

Do you ever feel discouraged when you ask your kids to do something and receive attitude or flat out non-compliance in return.  It is easy for all of us to get discouraged, or even angry, when we spend a lot of time and effort trying to provide the necessities of life for our kids when we get responses like, “I don’t want to do it; you do it” Or, “I do it later.” Unfortunately for us, I’ll do it later


Why are choices so important for kids?

Have you ever seen a kid have a meltdown over something that seemed unimportant? For example, you start to help your toddler get dressed and you grab the Spiderman Shirt rather than the dinosaur shirt and he suddenly goes ballistic. Or maybe you order a hamburger rather than chicken nuggets and your child throws a conniption fit in the back seat. What could be so important about a dinosaur shirt and chicken nuggets that could cause our kids to fall

Sister and Brothers

Small Change in Words – Big Change in Attitudes

It’s easy to fall into the trap of demanding and threatening as a parent – especially when you want your child to get something done quickly.  “If you don’t clean your room right now, you can forget about playing on the IPOD for the rest of the day.”  Or “If you don’t finish your chores in the next 30 minutes you’re not going to have any friends over today.” Or finally, “I am sick and tired of you leaving your

Mother-daughter relationship

How can I have more influence on my children?

Take a minute to think about someone who had a wonderful influence on you in your life.  As soon as you have that person in your mind think about how you would describe that person?  Would you use words like kind, patient, loving, or empathetic?  Could you say that person was caring or that he or she treated you with respect?  Would you say that it was easy or hard to learn from that person? Now think about someone who

Teen Lying Down

Teens and Disrespect

Why is it that our children suddenly become experts on respect when they become teenagers?  I’m not saying they become experts in treating others with respect. No, I am saying they become experts in knowing when they are not being treated with respect by adults. How do we know this?  It’s easy.  Our kids tell us by saying things like “this is stupid” or “I don’t care” in a nasty tone of voice.  Or they yell at or hit their

sarcastic girl

The Effects of Sarcasm on Children

During a parenting class, one mother stated, “My kids are so sarcastic.  They are constantly being rude to each other and being sarcastic with me.” Then she asked, “Do you think they got that from me?” The simple answer to that question is probably so.  Children generally learn how to interact with people by watching their parents (and other adults) interact with them and with others.  When parents use sarcasm to release frustration or to point out what they think

Crazy kid

Goofy is Great: What Dads Can Do to Create a Better Bond with Their Children

As a father who works outside the home, I recognize that it is easy for me to get caught up in stress at work.  Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to turn off my work focus and turn on my family focus so that I can come home and be the loving husband my wife needs and the playful father my kids want. Father’s have such an important and irreplaceable role in the family.  Good fathers provide stability and strength to