Posts Tagged: “parenting tip”

Is That Consequence Logical?

I hear of parents whose knee-jerk reaction to almost anything that their child does wrong is to take away their child’s cell-phone. “It’s the only thing they care about”, parents will tell me. “It’s the only thing that makes them do the thing I ask them to do!” Whether the misbehavior is talking back, refusing to do chores, allowing grades to slip, or being mean to a sibling, these parents whip out their one skill (the cell phone take away)

What We Can Learn About Parenting From The Power Company

Have you ever had your electricity shut off because you forgot to pay the power bill?  As the payment date approached did you get a call from the power company reminding you about the due date and telling you what would happen if you didn’t pay the bill?  Imagine the following phone conversation between Suzie from the power company and a customer – Mr. Jones: Suzie:  Mr. Jones, I was looking at the calendar this morning and I saw that

How To Get Your Kids To Eat

Some kids are picky eaters.  Unless it’s Mac ‘n’ Cheese, a dinner role, or plain cheese pizza, these kids can cry, whine, throw fits, or just simply refuse to eat the food on their plates.  After a long day at work or taking care of children, the last thing a parent wants to do is to force their child to eat food that is good for them; not to mention the irritation a parent feels when a child refuses to

How to praise kids effectively

Have you ever told a child that they did such a good job coloring their picture and then hear the child respond saying, “No I didn’t.  I messed up on his nose.  I don’t like it.” Why is it some kids argue when their parents try to praise them rather than beam with joy?  Well, sometimes, kids can feel insecure about themselves or develop a belief that they are not good at something or even that they are not good

Too High of a Wage at Too young of an Age

A mother recently shared that she was trying to encourage her four children (ages five to eleven) to read by offering to give them a dollar for each book they read.  It was working out great until the neighbor offered to pay them to pull his weeds.  Because this neighbor liked her boys and wanted to be generous, he paid them each $10 an hour to pull weeds. This experience may not have seemed harmful at first, however, now when

Getting kids to do chores

So many kids today do not have a very good work ethic.  They expect that good things should come to them without much effort on their part.  Chores may be one of the greatest things that help kids learn how to make contributions that benefit others.  Getting kids to do chores helps them build character and helps them be successful in life and in relationships. So how do we get kids to do chores?  Is it possible to get them

water barrel

Let’s Play Hide and Seek the Stuff I Clean Up

Many parents complain about how their children leave stuff all over the house.  Parents either feel like unpaid servants or like broken records constantly nagging their kids to clean up after themselves.  Some parents say that it takes less energy to clean up after their children then to get their children to clean up after themselves.  Other parents complain that their children don’t move to clean up until they start yelling – and they hate the fact that they yell.

Older and Younger Brothers

Teachable moments

A common hope as parents is that our kids will do well in high school, go to college, and get an education so that they can compete in the world in which they live. Although this hope is logical, sometimes we are not as logical when it comes to passing this hope on to our kids. Love and logic teaches that one of the most powerful teaching techniques for parents to use is modeling. We model the behaviors that we

Chocolate Doughnut

Why is there chocolate on this doughnut?

Do your kids ever ask questions that puzzle you?  Not because you don’t know the answer, but because you are not sure of the answer to give them. I know of a father whose girl asked such a question.  They went out one Saturday morning for doughnuts and his little girl chose the one with chocolate frosting and colored sprinkles.  As she ate the doughnut she asked, “Daddy, why does this doughnut have chocolate on it?” This father was unsure

Mom being treated like a servant

The Title “Mother” is not Followed by the Subtitle “Servant”

Mothers, do you sometimes feel like you have the Burger King logo around your neck because your kids expect you to make it their way; right away?  Do you ever feel more like a cab driver and a short order cook then the queen of the castle?  Is that the way it should be? So many kids nowadays grow up with the idea that they deserve the best their parents can afford (or not afford). This entitled attitude ends up