Posts Tagged: “getting support”

couple hugging

The 4 S’s in Resolving Emotional Problems in Relationships

Men, have you ever tried to explain to your spouse why she should not be as upset over a problem as she is?  Even though you may be right, and your logic sound, has your explanation ever caused her to get even angrier than she is and push you away? As men, we often respond to emotional problems logically – thinking that if the problem is solved, there is no need to be upset by it.  However, when our spouse

How parents can help their kids achieve school success

The following is a clip was taken from an interview with Shiloh Lundahl, LCSW, for the show Joy in Our Town .  This show aired In August, 2012 on channel 21. How parents can help their kids achieve school success     Shiloh Lundahl, LCSW teaches parenting classes in Mesa, Arizona.  Please click here to learn more about the classes he teaches.

Older and Younger Brothers

Teachable moments

A common hope as parents is that our kids will do well in high school, go to college, and get an education so that they can compete in the world in which they live. Although this hope is logical, sometimes we are not as logical when it comes to passing this hope on to our kids. Love and logic teaches that one of the most powerful teaching techniques for parents to use is modeling. We model the behaviors that we

sad child

Can consistency in parenting be bad?

I once worked with a mother and her three-year-old son (who was more like the size of a six-year-old).  She told me that she was trying really hard to be consistent with the way she disciplined him but the consistancy wasn’t having a positive effect on her child’s behavior.  I asked her to share with me the disciplining techniques that she was using.   She responded that she consistently put him in the corner when he would misbehave and she consistently